Kritsa EVOO
The Agricultural Cooperative of the traditional Cretan village "Kritsa" is one of the oldest cooperative in Greece. They produce a high quality and one of the finest extra virgin olive oil. In order to export their product to the global market they proceeded to a new special packaging.

The main guideline of the brief was focused to the harmonious coexistence of modern design that market requires with the traditional cretan character, the integral part of the village identity. We therefore decided to communicate what we were asked with a simply and clear way by illustrating a representation of the old way collection of the olives and applying it to a bottle with a special shape which gave a modern feeling to the overall package.

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39 Lomvardou str
11474 Athens, Greece

2 Iras str [main]
22132 Tripolis, Greece


+30 210 300 7664
+30 697 388 7139

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