Apomas Classic Collection
Apomas, (από 'μας from us) is a traditional Greek phrase deeply rooted in Greek culture that accompanies the offering of a valuable good. It is that phrase that serves a selfless act of love. We will receive it from a loved one when, in order to thank or please us, he will offer us what is most special in his household. A homemade food, a handmade specialty, a pure natural product. Treats and offerings that we will gladly accept, no doubting for their nutritional value, origin and quality and that we would like to have more often in our home as well.

Further to the naming of the company, it was essential among others, to design a "Luxury" packaging concept for the organic products. The inspiring idea behind that design, was none other than the visual actualization of the original branding concept. The packages have discreetly yet naturally printed on the glass, the fingerprints of the hand who offered it to us. The harmonious coexistence of the supreme quality of the products with the natural human element, is combined through this aimless outline of a simple offering gesture, highlighting the elegant spontaneity of the brand.

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39 Lomvardou str
11474 Athens, Greece

2 Iras str [main]
22132 Tripolis, Greece




+30 210 300 7664
+30 697 388 7139

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